
Memorandum by Mr. Charles C. Hauch of the Division of Caribbean Affairs63


Subject: Increasing Terrorism in Dominican Republic

The attached despatch from Ciudad Trujillo64 makes clear that since Trujillo’s reelection and the revolutionary activities against him, he has embarked on a new campaign of terrorism against both Dominicans and foreigners. He has apparently given a blank check to the head of the local Gestapo, Major General Federico Fiallo, to suppress all enemies and alleged enemies of the regime. General Fiallo seems to be running amuck in this task despite a lack of sympathy in the Foreign Office.

The Embassy is currently following several cases of alleged arbitrary action and mistreatment of American citizens. The remaining 100 Spanish Loyalists in the Dominican Republic are being forced to leave the country under one pretext or another, and General Fiallo has stated that any enemy of General Franco, even if not a Communist, must be considered an enemy of Trujillo. Refugees of other nationalities have likewise been advised to leave in the near future. The campaign of terrorism, of course, is unrelenting against Dominicans, and a number of executions have been reported.

A markedly increased number of applications for American immigration visas have been received from close relatives of high ranking Government officials, although very few of them have been able to obtain passports and exit permits. An unconfirmed report is that the [Page 660] President’s mother has been attempting to convince him he should leave the country for residence in a safer spot abroad.

  1. Addressed to the Assistant Secretary of State for Political Affairs (Armour), the Director (Daniels), and the Deputy Director (Woodward), of the Office of American Republic Affairs, and to the Assistant Chief of the Division of Caribbean Affairs (Walker).
  2. Despatch 1260, November 4, 1947, not printed.