710 Consultation 4/8–2347: Telegram

The Chairman of the United States Delegation (Marshall) to the Acting Secretary of State


62. Speaking at meeting Central Committee Friday, Belt (Cuba) insisted idea that Cuba came Conference promote sugar interests absolutely false. Stated incident 202 e98 settled bi-laterally and letter Marshall to Truman99 when bill signed clarified matter and Marshall’s word worth as much as any treaty article. Quoting at length recent statement Truman regarding economic aggression, Belt concluded Truman and Grau1 complete agreement necessity avoiding economic aggression.

Belt referred several times express instructions Government do all possible obtain treaty provisions proscribing economic aggression but stated knew majority delegates opposed and desired conform majority will. Therefore asked vote on question whether moment opportune deal with subject.

Resulting vote 15 to 5 against Belt who then repeated would adhere will majority.

Believe frank talks with Belt, with Vandenberg and other members United States delegation plus failure win general support other delegations led him use above method save face. With subsequent adoption Mexican resolution directing Inter-American ECOSOC prepare economic agreements for submission Bogotá and calling for economic conference second half 1948, believe economic questions disposed of this Conference.

Department please repeat Habana for information.

  1. Reference is to section 202(e) of the Sugar Act of 1948; see footnote 53, p. 30,
  2. Department of State Bulletin, August 10, 1947, p. 341.
  3. Ramón Grau San Martín, President of Cuba.