501.BB/10–947: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Brazil
1167. …
Re urtel 1399 Oct 9, Dept naturally reproves scurrilous attack on Pres Dutra. As matter of fact first criticism of him in Literary Gazette was embodied in attack on Pres Truman published in its no. 39 over 2 weeks ago. In note of protest Amb Smith commented that article went so far as to imply criticism of Pres Truman for associating with Pres Dutra to whom was imputed unwarrantably prior association with Axis powers. Smith’s note referred to Pres Dutra as our devoted and faithful ally in recent war and remarked that any such criticism came with extraordinarily bad taste from a Soviet writer in view of course of history since 1939. Soviet Govt rejected US protest in brusque note and we are contemplating no further action.
With regard to request of FonMin for our views on Braz intention to sever diplomatic relations with USSR in case demand for apology and retraction of attack on Pres Dutra is not met inform FonMin that Dept is appreciative of his consideration in welcoming our comments. We feel that this is matter which only Brazil can decide. He will recall that before establishing relations with USSR Brazil several times asked for our opinion and that we then maintained same attitude.12
- In his telegram 1422, October 14, 4 p.m., the Chargé in Brazil indicated that this policy of the United States had been conveyed to the Brazilian Foreign Minister, who had informed him that the Brazilian Ambassador in Moscow knew that the United States was aware of the contemplated action of Brazil (732.61/10–1447).↩