The Assistant Secretary of War (Petersen) to the Secretary of State
Dear Mr. Secretary: The following is a full report on action taken by the War Department to expedite the shipment of 7.92 mm ammunition for the Republic of China:
The suspension imposed in August 1946 by your office on the transfer of arms, munitions, and lethal weapons to China was lifted on 7.92 mm ammunition by an informal memorandum from your office dated 28 May 1947.31 The financial, shipping, and other numerous details required to accomplish a surplus sales contract were finally agreed upon and late Friday afternoon, 20 June 1947, the Field Commissioner for Military Programs, on advice of the Chinese Supply Commission, formally requested the necessary surplus property declarations. The War Department reply of Tuesday, 24 June 1947, inclosed these documents. A letter from the Field Commissioner for Military Programs, containing a copy of the signed agreement, was delivered to the War Department the following day.
[Page 857]The first 30,000,000 rounds will be available for shipment at Pier 28, Seattle, Washington, on 14 July 1947. The balance of 100,000,000 rounds will be made available at Bangor, Washington, by 1 August 1947. These arrangements were negotiated with Mr. Walsh of the Chinese Supply Mission and confirmed as agreeable by a telephone conversation between Dr. Shou Chin Wang, Chairman of the Chinese Supply Commission, and Brigadier General T. M. Osborne.
Sincerely yours,
- Not printed.↩