856E.00/8–1747: Telegram

The Consul General at Batavia (Foote) to the Secretary of State

us urgent

333. Deptel 221, August 14. Following is verbatim text of Indonesian reply sent from Djocja in Morse via NEI facilities and delivered to me today by Tamzil, Vice Minister Foreign Affairs:

“The Government of the Republic of Indonesia states with deep satisfaction that the personal contact and the exchange of views recently held between the Republic Govt and Dr. Walter Foote, Consul General of USA in Indonesia, have opened up a fuller understanding of the efforts of the US Government to achieve a speedy settlement of the Indonesian-Dutch dispute. The Republican Government once more wishes to express its fullest appreciation of the offer of the US Government to extend its good office to both parties in the present conflict. The Republic Govt has from the commencement of hostilities made all possible efforts in urging the United Nations to intervene in the present dispute in order that peace might return once more to Indonesia. The Indonesian Govt felt confident that whilst faced with large scale hostilities such might endanger peace and security in other parts of the world. The Republic Govt believed that in appealing to the UN it was pledging no more than its deep and enduring confidence in the principles and effectiveness of the United Nations Charter. The broadcast appeal of His Excellency, the President of the Indonesian Republic to His Excellency, The President of the USA, was also in keeping with Indonesia’s trust in the same moral influence which the US has in the Security Council, whose home is in her principal city.

Having made its appeal to the United Nations who, by the recent decision of the Security Council, have urged both the Republic of Indonesia and the Netherlands to order the cessation of hostilities, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia feels that it is obliged to abide by the command of the United Nations and by any further steps [Page 1035] taken by the Security Council particularly with regard to the despatch of an international arbitration commission to Indonesia.
The Government of the Republic of Indonesia has also cordially accepted the good offices extended by the Commonwealth of Australia in the conviction that such an acceptance could only be in accordance with the efforts made by the Australian Government in this matter and that it may contribute to a just settlement. The offer of the Australian Government made it clear to the Republic Government that such an offer could not contradict the offer of the third party, in this case, the offer of the US Government. The Republic Government, therefore, cannot share the opinion that its recent reply to the US Government means a rejection of the US offer to extend her good offices to the Republic Government.
Pending the decision of the Security Council, the Republic Government wishes to renew its pledge of confidence that within the power of the US Government lies the possibility of finding a final solution of the Indonesian-Dutch dispute. The Government and the people of the Republic of Indonesia hope that in the future they may always rely upon the USA to use its moral influence to achieve a just and lasting solution in order that peace and security may really return to Indonesia.” End of Indonesian reply.

My comments follow in my telegram 334, August 18 [19].

Department pass Hague and London.
