501.BC/8–1647: Telegram
The Acting United States Representative at the United Nations (Johnson) to the Secretary of State
us urgent
750. Department may wish to consider promptly following official proposals made by Van Kleffens yesterday at SC meeting regarding Indonesian case: (This proposal included in SC verbatim record S/P.V. 185, August 15.98)
“I am authorized to say that The Netherlands Govt is prepared to propose to the Republic of Indonesia that each—the Republic of Indonesia and The Netherlands—designate one state, those two states so designated to be asked to appoint one other state which is considered by them to be completely impartial. This impartial state; if it is willing, would then send a number of its nationals to Indonesia to enquire into the situation, to supervise the cease fire, and to see what conditions obtain there. It should be clearly understood that the report these people would make to their Government would be given the very widest publicity.
“In case the Republic of Indonesia fails to accept unequivocally the good offices of the United States of America, this third truly impartial state could, at the same time, be empowered by The Netherlands Govt and by the Republic of Indonesia to use its good offices for a two-fold purpose—firstly, to bring about the immediate resumption of discussions between the two parties; and secondly, to report on the situation as it has developed up to date. That is our first proposal which—I want to underline that—takes into full account the fact that some uncertainty still prevails as to whether we can make use of the offer of good offices so generously made by the United States of America or not.
“Now, the second proposal of my Govt is that all the career Consuls stationed in Batavia shall jointly and immediately—because the situation has an element of the greatest urgency—draw up a report on the present situation on the islands of Java, Sumatra, and Madura so as to lose no time whatsoever. This can be done almost at once, and it should be done almost at once. We hope that in this way an important [Page 1034] contribution will be made towards obtaining an impartial and unbiased understanding of the actual facts and circumstances which my Govt would warmly welcome. The Netherlands Govt, therefore, is requesting those countries that have career Consuls or Consuls General at Batavia to give the necessary instructions to this effect to their representatives. I hope that what I have described is clear and that the constructive character of these proposals will at once be seen.”
The Dutch delegation told us informally that if first Dutch proposal is accepted, Dutch Govt would designate a friendly state, probably Belgium, and would expect Indonesia to designate some state such as India or Australia. Dutch Govt would then hope that these two states might appoint US as third impartial state.
- See S. C., 2nd yr., No. 77, pp. 2006, 2012–14.↩