851G.00/1–947: Telegram
The Consul at Saigon (Reed) to the Secretary of State
11. In the final broadcast before departure, Moutet said in summary that purpose French Government remains, as always, peace; that France does not renounce policy of agreements; that France opposes campaign of oppression; that France will protect herself, and will not yield to violence; that France has always desired the free association in the French Union and Indo-Chinese federation between the peoples who can freely govern themselves; that reestablishment of peaceful order means protection of lives and property of French, Chinese, and Indo-Chinese, and does not mean colonial war; that France will not go back on her word, and desires negotiate in security with true representatives of Vietnam people who are decided to apply loyally agreements freely entered into; that he has never considered military decision as substitute for peace, so hopes will come soon.
Not repeated to Paris.