851G.00/1–947: Telegram

The Vice Consul at Hanoi (O’Sullivan) to the Secretary of State


11. Vietnam Government appears working for Chinese intervention in Indo-China.

Vietnamese seem to be taking every precaution possible to protect Chinese lives and property (as they have also tried to protect other foreigners—one American caught in battle area was even given turkey for Christmas by Vietnamese authorities). Ho Chi Minh recently [Page 61] addressed via Vietnamese radio very conciliatory letter to Vietnam’s friend “China” in marked contrast to Ho’s attitude when Chinese forces occupation here.

Within last week, Chinese Consul General has grown increasingly critical French inability protect Chinese citizens of whom he claims there are 150,000 in Tonkin with 100,000 in areas not controlled by French (pre-war census lists 50,000 Chinese in Tonkin and it seems doubtful number has tripled since that time).

Should Chinese Consul General[’s] negotiation for peaceful settlement [of] fate Chinese [quarter] Hanoi break down and French attack, Chinese protest would seem possible.32

Repeat to Paris.

  1. For solution, see telegram 19, January 16, and footnote 37, p. 64.