740.00119 Control (Korea)/9–2647: Telegram

The Political Adviser in Korea (Jacobs) to the Secretary of State


381. Zurc 1194. See Seoul PolAd 376, September 24. Sixty-first meeting of Joint Commission called by American chairman upon insistence of Chief Commissioner of Soviet delegation lasted for about 2 hours on afternoon of September 26.

General Brown read his reply to Soviet statement made at 60th meeting, as stated he would do in Seoul PolAd 359, September 17 and 376, September 24, with additional paragraph contained in Deptel 217, September 26[25].23 Full text being telegraphed separately.24

Then General Shtikov read statement in which he blamed American delegation for failure to reach an agreement under the Moscow decision with respect to Korea, which concluded with the following proposal:

“The Soviet Government has always regarded small peoples with respect and still so regards them. It has struggled and it shall continue to struggle for their independence and sovereignty. Therefore, the Soviet delegation considers that it is possible to afford the Koreans an opportunity to form a government by themselves without the aid and participation of the Allies under the condition of withdrawing the American and Soviet troops from Korea. The Soviet delegation declares that if the American delegation would agree with a proposal for the withdrawal of all foreign troops during the beginning of 1948, [Page 817] the Soviet troops will be ready to evacuate Korea simultaneously with the American troops.”

General Brown inquired whether Soviet delegation was speaking with authority of its Government in making its proposal. To this General Shtikov replied that the Soviet delegation was responsible to its Government for any statement it makes and that therefore it was not necessary for American delegation to know whether its proposal was made in its name or in the name of its government.

General Brown then said that American delegation was not authorized to discuss such a matter which was beyond scope of the Moscow Agreement with respect to Korea and proposed adjournment which was accepted.

Next week is the Soviet chairman’s turn to call meetings. Department’s instructions urgently requested if the American delegation will be expected to take any action here.

As soon as translated, full text of Soviet delegation’s statement will be telegraphed, probably this evening.25 After meeting Soviet delegation released statement to press.

  1. See footnote 21, p. 815.
  2. Telegram 382, not printed.
  3. Telegram 383, not printed.