845C.00/5–2847: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Consulate General at Rangoon


209. Urtel 439 May 28.69 When you know name president (or other presiding officer) Constituent Assembly kindly convey following message to that official.

“With approach June 1070 I extend to you as president Constituent Assembly and through you to Burmese people sincere good wishes US Govt and people of US for successful conclusion important task you are about to undertake. Burma’s peaceful and steady progress in rehabilitation being watched with sympathetic interest. Freedom loving people throughout the world hope that you will lay foundation for stable and peaceful nation. Signed George Marshall, Secretary of State.”71

  1. Not printed, but see opening paragraph of memorandum of May 28, p. 24.
  2. Telegram 471, June 9, from Rangoon reported that this phrase was changed to “On this historic occasion” in the text transmitted by Mr. Packer to the Chairman of the Assembly, Thakin Mya, for the opening ceremony on June 10 (845C.00/6–947); see Department of State Bulletin, June 29, 1947, p. 1314.
  3. An appreciative reply from the Chairman, dated June 13, was quoted in telegram 544, July 1, 11 a.m., from Rangoon (845C.00/7–147). For text of reply, see Department of State Bulletin, July 13, 1947, p. 101.