851G.00/9–1147: Telegram

The Consul at Saigon (Reed) to the Secretary of State


290. Full text Bollaert’s speech going forward tomorrow by air.5 In essence, speech is as follows:

Defines status of states associated in French Union; states diplomatic representation and defense is matter for Union and not for individual states; accepts question of union of three Kys for people to decide themselves; promises full internal autonomy but exacts high commissioner and commissioners shall oversee relations of the states and safeguard French interests; proposes common money customs and immigration policy; intimates Vietnam would do well follow example Cambodia and Laos and suggest same states; asks people to choose representatives for negotiation but says choosing certain leaders may [Page 135] not be to advantage of Vietnam; declares peace cannot be reestablished through medium only one political party; and appeals all parties come forward and accept full share responsibility in reconstruction of country. Noteworthy speech states must accept French offer in entirety and must be no haggling; also that appeal is made for last time.

Comment and reaction to follow.

  1. The speech was delivered the night of September 10 at Hadong; text transmitted to the Department in despatch 335, September 11, from Saigon, not printed. Telegram 286, September 11, 8 a.m., from Hanoi, remarked that the speech indicated a “very considerable retreat from even most narrow interpretation March 6 agreement”. (851G.00/9–1147)