851G.00/7–1947: Telegram

The Consul at Saigon (Reed) to the Secretary of State


226. Commenting re Deptel 121, July 16,26 may say Times despatch closely parallels my reported beliefs (despatch 256, June 14, mytel 207, June 2727) re terms French will offer substantially federation three autonomous “Kys”. However, in place strong central government demanded by Ho and Liaison Committee advocated by popular movement nationalists, French appear to be proposing over-all French administration in re which difficult to evaluate reaction until its power and scope are defined. But in the main such administration will be opposed by Ho and by most nationalists, for keynote both Ho and nationalists is independence. Opposition will be the more pronounced with French endeavoring retain control army and foreign affairs and insisting disbanding Vietnam Army.

Unquestionably Times dispatch correct, French do not want Ho to have over-all power in FIC and proposed administration is to block Ho getting control of any central government that might be established. Proposed administration may be admission failure French to win over Bao Dai or to gather behind him any important nationalist following—but French are certainly still trying to build up such following (petitions, manifestos, declarations) which would give them excuse treat with that following rather than with Ho. While French publicize their dislike treat with Ho because of Communist danger and their duty protect interests other peoples FIC, little doubt they have eye to their own interests and future, hence divide and rule.

[Page 120]

Most French officials in one form or other admit above but comment difficulty by-pass Ho who does represent very considerable element. They believe only solution treating with Ho, Bao Dai and any other leaders they can dig up so as to reduce Ho’s power to minimum and also not lose face by treating with him alone. Those officials well as neutral observers query possibility workable solution until representatives all political elements can be brought together.

My personal comment: in justice to French, Ho and his group controlling FIC to be avoided but proposed setup (overall administration control Army, Foreign Affairs, possibly Customs, Finance) approaches pre-war setup or at most is form of tutelage to which natives object as they feel French not to be trusted. If French terms are on take-it-or-leave-it basis, fear settlement situation will be long deferred with Vietminh turning more and more to Communists for support—if terms on that basis may be French feel can reconquer country or at very least feel can so divide country as to counteract militant objections to their policy.

Please pass to Paris.

  1. Same as telegram 2621, July 16, p. 116.
  2. Latter not printed.