851G.00/7–1647: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in France


2621. New York Times despatch datelined Paris July 13 states Bollaert on return Indochina will offer terms to Indochina states including “full internal autonomy to the three countries of Tonkin, Annam and Cochinchina” within French union, end French administration with French offering “technical advisers to Indochinese administrations and associated states, such as Cambodia” but with control of army and foreign policy vested in French High Commissioner. Vietnam army to be disallowed to prevent repetition December 19 revolt.

Despatch explains French consider Ho Chi Minh working for independence Indochina with sole purpose making country a vassal to Moscow and that Bollaert’s policy has been “to dispute with Ho Chi Minh and the Communists the support of Indochina’s nationalists”. Contact with Boadai is mentioned connection with French effort “regroup nationalist parties to counterbalance Communism”.

Can you confirm as indication French policy?

Sent Paris 2621. Repeated Saigon 121 and Hanoi 64.
