Memorandum by the Director of the Office of Near Eastern and African Affairs (Henderson) to the Secretary of State
Subject: Suspension of Exports of Arms and Ammunition to Arab States and Palestine
From time to time requests are received from Arab governments of the Near East for the purchase and export of arms and ammunition or other military material of a type requiring export licensing. Moreover, it is expected that the Jewish Agency or other Jewish organizations will make similar requests in the near future.
While these acquisitions are requested on the ground that they are required to improve and strengthen the internal security forces of these countries, I am of the opinion that, in view of the tense situation in Palestine and on its frontiers, we should not permit the export of any material of this nature to Palestine or neighboring states so long as the tension continues. Otherwise, the Arabs might use arms of U.S. origin against Jews, or Jews might use them against Arabs. In either case, we would be subject to bitter recrimination.
I, therefore, recommend that effective immediately we suspend authorization for the export from the United States of arms, ammunition and other war material intended for use in Palestine or in neighboring countries, until the situation in that area has become somewhat more clarified. This suspension should also apply to export licenses already issued but not yet utilized.1
- U—Mr. Lovett
- A–A—Mr. Armour
- MD—Mr. Cummins
- NE—Mr. Merriam2