867N.01/11–947: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Legation in Syria


249. In response Dept’s inquiry re allegations at Damascus and Baghdad of US pressure on Latin American states to support partition Palestine, Amb Johnson has informed Dept1 as follows:

“I have discussed matter of soliciting support for the American position at the GA with delegation officials concerned. I am assured that no USDel officials have attempted to put pressure on states mentioned in telegram Damascus 353 of November 5,2 and Baghdad 561, November 5, in effort to persuade them to support partition of Palestine.

However, American representatives have not hesitated to explain and defend to representatives of foreign powers at UN the official American position advocating partition of Palestine and establishment of an independent Arab and Jewish state. Hence, answer to the question raised in the last paragraph of telegram Damascus 353, November 5, is in the negative. For your information and for use by Damascus and Baghdad Embassies as they see fit: Latin American states while not under pressure of US Government regarding Palestine are subject to considerable persuasion by national chapters of highly organized and well financed Jewish Agency. These states, while yielding to JA pressure, may be inclined sometimes to claim that the pressure comes from the US Government rather than the JA.”

Sent Damascus 249, repeated Baghdad 420, Beirut 502, Jidda 348, Cairo 1538, Jerusalem 463 and London 4790.

  1. In telegram 1181, November 9, 6:08 p. m., from New York.
  2. See footnote 3 to telegram 561, p. 1240.