867N.01/11–547: Telegram

The Chargé in Iraq (Dorsz) to the Secretary of State


561. Azzam Pasha yesterday afternoon (Embtel 558, November 41) showed Busk2 (Embtel 551, November 31) cable from Feisal at Lake Success stating Salvador, Chile and third South American state had deserted Arabs under US pressure.3

Azzam Pasha commented to Busk “Arabs can appreciate internal political considerations which determine US pro-Zionist policy, but can’t they at least leave the small states alone to form their own opinions”.

Busk reports Azzam depressed by message. Azzam contends US action is forcing Arabs to warfare which he is anxious to prevent.4

  1. Not printed.
  2. Douglas L. Busk, British Chargé in Iraq.
  3. Not printed.
  4. Telegram 353, November 5, from Damascus, reported President Kuwatly’s belief, expressed to the British Chargé in Syria, that China and Cuba, which had opposed partition, had been forced to change their attitude by American pressure (867N.01/11–547).
  5. Mr. Henderson, in telegram 547, November 6, to New York, drew Ambassador Johnson’s attention to telegrams 561 from Baghdad and 353 from Damascus. He then stated: “In view of bitterness which is arising in Arab countries on this subject, I would appreciate your advice as to what reply can be made especially as to how far we can go in authorizing our representatives to make denial.” (867N.01/11–547)