
The Counselor of the British Embassy (Allen) to the Director of the Office of Near Eastern and African Affairs (Henderson)


Ref: G.124/ /47

Dear Henderson: You doubtless know that when Lord Inverchapel saw Mr. Marshall and Mr. Lovett this morning he discussed with them the question of illegal Jewish immigration into Palestine. One particular [Page 1227] aspect of this question, which the Ambassador had no time to raise with Mr. Marshall but which he did later discuss with Mr. Lovett, was the problem of the control of Jews leaving the United States zone in Austria. Mr. Lovett told the Ambassador that if he would arrange to have the State Department furnished with full information on this question, he would see that it was looked into.

I accordingly enclose three copies of a memorandum1 setting out the facts on the basis of telegrams which the Ambassador has recently received from the Foreign Office instructing him to make representations on the subject to the United States Government. The Ambassador would be most grateful if you could have this matter investigated urgently by the Division or Divisions concerned. Needless to say, he very much hopes that the State Department will find it possible to arrange for early instructions to be sent to the United States authorities in Austria on the lines desired by the Foreign Office. You know the great importance which Mr. Bevin attaches to this whole question.

Yours sincerely,

Denis Allen
  1. Infra.