867N.01/10–1547: Telegram
The Chargé in Saudi Arabia (Bailey) to the Secretary of State
431. ReDeptel 312, October 13.1 Interruption courier service due cholera Egypt precluded sending text following note:2
“The excitement and agitation taking place all over the Arab world because of the recommendations made by International Investigation Committee Delegates by [of?] UN to inquire into the Palestine situation is well known to the US Government. These recommendations are, as is known to American Government, inconsistent with Arab rights and are demolishing them as well as being the death blow to hopes of SAG which had anticipated right and justice would be maintained.
His Majesty’s Government on several occasions frankly and clearly invited attention to the agitation and excitement expected to take place all over Arab world and Middle East if pure rights of Arabs in Palestine are injured and denied.
[Page 1185]SAG relied too heavily on diplomats and their foresight, not realizing they would take a step which would be cause for bloodshed and insurrection in Palestine as [in] all neighboring Arab countries, a revelation which nobody but God could know its termination.
On this occasion SAG requests the responsible people in American Government to take into consideration what has been stated by His Majesty’s Government several times and its advice that no support be given Zionists who will be a menace to Middle East and humanity based on crimes committed and which will be perpetrated. His Majesty’s Government believes that the continuance of such a policy will be a strong factor in starting a third world war which will burn humanity and will doubtless annihilate all that lives.
Therefore and on basis of what has been previously communicated by SAG it sends this anxious protest to what will be decided against Arab interests in Palestine. It at same time requests US Government to review Palestine question in light of justice and right end that this question will receive reasonable and equitable judgment.”