Editorial Note
Jamal Husseini, on behalf of the Arab Higher Committee, appeared before the Ad Hoc Committee on September 29. The summary of his statement, printed in GA (II), Ad Hoc Committee, pages 5–11, notes at one point: “Regarding the manner and form of independence for Palestine, it was the view of the Arab Higher Committee that that was a matter for the rightful owners of Palestine to decide. Once Palestine was found to be entitled to independence, the United Nations was not legally competent to decide or to impose the constitutional organization of Palestine, since such action would amount to interference with an internal matter of an independent nation.
“The future constitutional organization of Palestine should be based on the following principles: first, establishment on democratic lines of an Arab State comprising all Palestine; secondly, observance by the said Arab State of Palestine of human rights, fundamental freedoms and equality of all persons before the law; thirdly, protection by the Arab State of the legitimate rights and interests of all minorities; fourthly, guarantee to all of freedom of worship and access to the Holy Places.” (pages 10, 11)
Abba Hillel Silver, on behalf of the Jewish Agency, appeared before the Committee on October 2. The summary of his statement, printed ibid., pages 12–19, set forth the approval of the Agency of the eleven unanimous recommendations of UNSCOP except for Recommendation VI on Jewish displaced persons, which the Agency did not disapprove. He also termed Recommendation XII unintelligible.
Rabbi Silver deemed the minority report unacceptable; nor did the majority report satisfy the Jewish people because of the limited area of the proposed Jewish state and the exclusion of Jerusalem from that state. Nevertheless, the Agency was willing to accept the majority report since it made possible the immediate reestablishment of the Jewish State. This acceptance was made subject to further discussion of constitutional and territorial provisions (pages 15–17).