501.BC Greece/2–1847: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Greece

us urgent

188. Ethridge’s estimate present situation (Embtel 227 Feb 17) being transmitted London for urgent discussion with FonOff. Dept discussing with Brit Emb here. Hope you can talk over situation immediately with Ethridge and Porter and inform Dept of your concerted views as to seriousness of situation and, if collapse seems probable and immediate, how much time remains for any remedial action which US or UK might take.

Urgent consideration being given to your and Porter’s recommendations for financial assistance but Dept handicapped by lack of authority so far as Eximbank and Federal Reserve are concerned. Earliest possible completion Porter report would be of great assistance and hope you can aid in speeding Mission’s work.

Dept informed that substantial amounts of UNRRA supplies remain undistributed in Greece. Please telegraph amount of these undistributed supplies, their value, and reasons for failure of Greek Govt to distribute them.

Sent Athens 188; rptd London 809, Moscow 270.
