Defense Files: Telegram

The Combined Chiefs of Staff to the Acting Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean Theater (Lee)

top secret

WAR 99065 (Fan 759). Reference Naf 1286 Naf 13081 and Naf 1314.2

Italy-Yugoslav Boundary

1. We agree with your proposal in paragraph 3 of Naf 1308 to establish the French line, as recognized by U. S.-U. K.-French members, at all points of disagreement as the official provisional boundary upon which Italians will be allowed to stand as Anglo-American troops withdraw.

2. We also agree with your proposed plan in paragraph 1 of Naf 1314, for the handover of the provisional boundary. We note with approval that on ratification, the entire provisional boundary will be manned at road and track crossings by allied detachments after which Italian frontier guards will be allowed to come forward to them.

3. Points raised in paragraphs 2–4 of Naf 1314 will be subject of a separate message.

Trieste Free Territory Boundaries

4. Your proposal in paragraph 5 of Naf 1308 is approved subject to the correction that the free territory will not be represented by A.M.G. but by those members of the Four Power Supervisory Commission who have agreed to co-operate. The Italian Government have been informed of this in a communication made to them by the British and American representatives in Rome on 5 May.

5. In the event of continued non-cooperation by the Soviet Government and the Yugoslavs, concurrence will be given to procedure outlined in paragraph 4 of Naf 1308. You will receive further instructions on this subject in the light of diplomatic representations now being made.

Failure To Ratify

6. Reference paragraph 6 of Naf 1308, we agree that if Yugoslavia fails to ratify before treaty comes into effect (i. e. by date on which last of four great powers deposits its ratification) there should be no withdrawal from the Morgan Line or from the Pola Enclave as previously instructed in Fan 7233 and Fan 737.4 The free territory will not be established until Yugoslavia ratify. However, in this event the territory [Page 79] west of the provisional Italy-Yugoslav and Italy-free territory boundaries would be handed over to the Italians provided Italy had ratified the treaty.

  1. Neither printed.
  2. Ante, p. 72.
  3. See footnote 3, p. 68.
  4. See footnote 5, p. 69.