800.515 BWA/4–247: Telegram
The Minister in Hungary (Schoenfeld) to the Secretary of State
558. Prime Minister today (my telegram 555 April 21) mentioned that Finance Minister Nyárády recently arrived had reported to him [Page 294] concerning his negotiations in Washington. (Deptel 293 March 212) Nyárády had informed him that at one point recent crisis it was feared in Washington that resistance of representatives of bourgeois way of life in Hungary might suddenly collapse yielding entire field to Communists. Nagy stated he considered it important to mention these observations of Nyárády since he felt that this view may have been shared in part at least by official American circles. Prime Minister stated that up to month ago areas of great power interest did not appear to be clearly defined and consequently representatives of bourgeois concept in Hungary did not feel they could afford risking sharp internal cleavage and its consequences since they could not be certain that all interested great powers would demonstrate appropriate active concern in such event. There was never real inclination to surrender to Communists and there would be even less in future, more particularly since situation had now changed completely.
It was generally felt Nagy stated, that period in which free peoples like Poles and Yugos could be effectively submerged had definitely ended and that areas of great power interest were now more clearly defined. Hence there would be no new election in Hungary. In fact he said Smallholders now occupy number of important posts in administrative offices of nationalized industries originally established by Leftists. He regretted that secret [contents?] (remytel 485 March 21) of recently concluded inter-party agreement could not be brought publicly to attention of US Government.
Prime Minister added he felt confident that if ratification of peace treaty is speedily concluded3 and Hungary is admitted to UN at earliest possible opportunity Hungary would remain “a factor which could be counted upon in every respect”. Nagy concluded he worried only by possibility that Moscow conference4 would end without substantial agreement. Should that happen he feared Soviets would be tempted to show their strength in border areas and this might stimulate activity in Hungary which would prove unpleasant.
- The telegram under reference here is not printed, but its substance is described in the memorandum of conversation by McKisson, April 15, p. 295.↩
- Not printed; it summarized the principle points taken up in the Department’s conversation with Hungarian Finance Minister Nyárádi at the conclusion of his recent visit to Washington (740.00119 EW/3–2247).↩
- Ratifications of the Treaty of Peace with Hungary were deposited in Moscow on September 12.↩
- The reference here is to the Fourth Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers, in Moscow, March 10–April 24. For documentation on these meetings, see volume ii .↩