864.00/4–1447: Telegram

The Minister in Hungary (Schoenfeld) to the Secretary of State


608. In conversation April 12 with President Tildy he said he expects new political crisis in Hungary within next month or two. When I asked what form crisis would take he gave no indication beyond saying Communist Party would doubtless find some pretext for this purpose. He said it had been definite intention of Communists to force holding new general election this spring but this had been frustrated by Am notes delivered last month which had been effective in preventing achievement Communist aims at that time.

Tildy reminded me of difficulty Americans have in understanding; that at time of November 1945 national election here as well as before and since true power relationship between various political parties has involved practical domination by Communists through Soviet control of country and support of minority. Election did not serve in practice to change this state of affairs but afforded non-Marxists opportunity to stem trend toward outright and admitted control by Communists pending restoration of Hungary autonomy when occupation terminates. Success of policy of braking trend and hope of recovering control for majority would continue to depend on American action. Meanwhile it remained true that from Soviet standpoint Hungary is conspicuous as only country between Baltic and Trieste which has not been fully coordinated to Soviet pattern. Tildy gave me to understand this intensifies Soviet determination to accomplish their purposes here. Tildy seems to expect great and increasing difficulties especially if CFM meeting in Moscow results in no settlement of Austrian problem.
