740.0011 EW Peace/10–947: Telegram
The Chargé in Bulgaria (Horner) to the Secretary of State
904. Following is text Legation note number 9 to Bulgarian Foreign Office dated October 7, 1947:1
[“]Legation of United States of America presents its compliments to Bulgarian Minister Foreign Affairs and with reference part 3 section 1 articles 9 to 18 inclusive of peace treaty between Allied and Associated Powers and Bulgaria signed Paris February 10, 1947 has honor request following information pertaining to armed forces of Bulgaria including military, naval and air forces be furnished Legation with view to insuring proper implementation of peace treaty:
- 1.
- The basic structure and regional organization of present armed forces of Bulgaria including frontier troops, national militia, trudovaks and other organizations which may receive any form military training.
- 2.
- The present corps inspectorates, corps headquarters and home stations divisions.
- 3.
- Organization and composition of army high command and general staff including inspectorates and services of high command.
- 4.
- Strengths, designated organizations, establishment armament and equipment of present armed forces Bulgaria. These shall include military schools, training establishments, frontier troops, national militia and trudovaks.
- 5.
- Present station and location each unit of armed forces of Bulgaria of strength larger than platoon of infantry.
- 6.
- Names and locations of industries engaged in or capable of manufacture war material.
- 7.
- Complete list of quantities war material located in Bulgaria including those of Allied, German or Japanese origin or design (for definition of war material see annex III of peace treaty).
- 8.
- Plans of Bulgarian Government for implementation of military, naval and air clauses of treaty. These should include: (a) proposed tables of organization, armament and equipment; (b) what specific progressive action will be taken by Bulgarian Government to comply with article 10 section 1 part 3 of peace treaty requiring that personnel of Bulgarian Army, Navy and Air Force in excess of respective strength permitted under article 9 of peace [Page 34] treaty shall be disbanded within 6 months from coming into force of present treaty and (c) proposed locations of units of Bulgarian armed forces at expiration of 6 months from September 15, 1947.
As terms of peace treaty provide that maintenance of land, sea and air armaments and fortifications is to be closely restricted to meeting tasks of internal character and local defense of frontier, the organization, training and equipment of those armed forces authorized for Bulgarian Government in accordance with part 3 section 1 article 9 peace treaty are not to be designed for offensive operations but rather must be planned for dual purpose of maintaining internal order and support of civil police and to defend frontiers against local incursions. All organizations not included in tables of organization must not be so organized or equipped that being capable of assuming military operations, they can readily be absorbed in armed forces. As presently organized and equipped national militia of Bulgaria and trudovaks must be classified as military organizations. These must either be included in strength of armed forces or be reorganized on nonmilitary basis. Information as to which of these alternatives Bulgarian Government proposes adopt be indicated.
Legation of US of America is furnishing copies of present note to Legations in Sofia of Soviet Union and UK.
It is assumed that Bulgarian Government likewise will make available to these Legations full information on points set forth above.
Legation of US of [”] (complimentary close).
- Telegram 903, October
8, from Sofia, not printed, replied to telegram 416, October 7, to
Sofia, supra, by reporting the delivery of
the note printed here to the Bulgarian Foreign Office which the
Legation had sent in accordance with the instructions contained in
telegram 410, October 2, to Sofia (see footnote 2, p. 30). Telegram 903 added the following
“See no objections to British Foreign Office suggestion that Bulgaria be used as test case while postponing action Hungary [and] Rumania for time being. As yet my British colleague here has received no instructions respecting military clauses but it would obviously be desirable that he take supporting action.” (740.0011 EW(Peace)/10–847)