740.0011 EW(Peace)/9–1747: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Legation in Hungary

secret   urgent

1048. Brit Minister in Budapest has suggested to FonOff that our proposed formal request to Govt for military info under treaty (Deptel 1037 Oct 2 rptd to Bucharest as 601, Sofia as 416, London as 4255, Moscow as 1803 and Rome as 19311) will undoubtedly be referred to Sovs thus leading to delays and evasions and moreover if pressed by us could result in the narrow and restricted interpretation of final clauses we seek to avoid. Helm also thinks more info re implementation treaty better obtainable at this stage through informal contacts. We feel that for treaty purposes value of unofficial info doubtful. Moreover official request serves notice we mean to see treaty implemented effectively.

FonOff has suggested we use Bulgaria as test case while postponing our action in Hungary and Rumania for month or so. Please comment.

(Sent Budapest, Bucharest, and Sofia, rptd to London, Moscow and Rome.)2

  1. Not printed, but see footnote 2, p. 30.
  2. Sent to Sofia as 416, to Bucharest as 605; repeated to London as 4319, to Moscow as 1817, and to Rome as 1975.