874.00/1–2947: Telegram

The Representative in Bulgaria (Barnes) to the Secretary of State

secret   urgent

80. Bearing in mind substance mytels 75, 77 and 79 today’s date1 and fact that Bulgarian Government, as defeated ex-satellite, is in principle obligated to show some respect for Yalta agreement, I doubt that any government seeking recognition by US has ever made task of extending recognition more difficult than present Bulgarian Government.

By this I do not wish to say that I perceive alternative course for US of positive and constructive nature. Rather I mean that, it is most difficult, and at times really impossible to hope that peaceful methods will prove constructive in sense that they may lead Russians and Communist-dominated [Page 145] east Europe to anything better in line with Yalta prospects than these countries are now experiencing. However, it is for Department, as it perceives overall picture, and not for this Mission to reach policy conclusions. But I do feel that contents of telegrams referred to emphasize anew need for formula of recognition that will bolster democratic elements Bulgaria as best possible against unrestrained fury of Communists, once recognition issue no longer in doubt. (In this connection please see mytel 49 January 20, 51 January 212 and 72 January 283).

Repeatedly I ask myself question—will recognition open floodgates of new purge and blood bath? Frankly I do not know answer. I also believe contents of telegrams cited clearly forecast difficult period US-Bulgarian and US-USSR relations for first eighteen months of peace when USSR, US and UK representatives Sofia charged with execution and interpretation peace treaty.

  1. None printed. They dealt with the continuing trial of the “Neutral Officers” and efforts of the Government and the Communist press to relate the alleged conspiracy of the accused officers with the leaders of the opposition political parties (874.00/1–2947).
  2. Telegram 51 not printed, but see footnote 3, p. 141.
  3. Not printed; it reported that the British Foreign Office contemplated de jure recognition of the Bulgarian Government at the time of the signing of the peace treaty (874.01/1–3047).