874.00/1–2047: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Representative in Bulgaria (Barnes)


33. In light comments contained urtel 49 Jan 20 Dept will follow procedure no. 2 as set forth its previous telegram no. 20 Jan 18 and provided situation in Bulg makes it possible at that time contemplate informing Bulg Govt between date Senate consent to ratification and coming into force of treaty our readiness to reestablish diplomatic relations. We could also point to obligations which Bulg has assumed with respect to human rights its inhabitants under Article II and fact that implementation of peace treaty would not only improve political, social and economic life Bulg people but enable Bulg to take its place as a member United Nations. This communication could then be made public.

It is not, however, our intention make public any such statement prior to consideration by Senate of treaty nor do we feel it necessary to inform Bulg Govt in advance.

Your comments concerning rank to be assumed by first duly accredited diplomatic representative after resumption relations have been noted. We are inclined accept your suggestions in this respect and, if situation in Bulg then permits, are disposed to appoint a Minister to Sofia. Further consultation in this respect will be held with you upon your return US.
