Reports on developments of significance within the Soviet Union of concern to relations with the United States and other countries 1
1. Continued from Foreign Relations, 1946, vol. vi, pp. 673–817.
[406] The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Smith) to the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union (Malik)
[407] The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Smith) to the Secretary of State
811.001 Truman, H. S./9–2347: Telegram
[408] The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Smith) to the Secretary of State
811.001 Truman, H. S./9–2847: Telegram
[409] The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Smith) to the Secretary of State
501.BB/9–3047: Telegram
[410] The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Smith) to the Secretary of State
[411] The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Smith) to the Secretary of State
800.00b Communist International/10–347: Telegram
[412] The Chargé in the Soviet Union (Durbrow) to the Secretary of State
840.00b/10–647: Telegram
[413] The Chargé in the Soviet Union (Durbrow) to the Secretary of State
861.00/10–747: Airgram
[414] The Chargé in the Soviet Union (Durbrow) to the Secretary of State
800.00b Communist International/10–1147: Airgram
[415] The Chargé in the Soviet Union (Durbrow) to the Secretary of State
800.00b Communist International/10–2247: Airgram
[416] The Chargé in the Soviet Union (Durbrow) to the Secretary of State
811.917 America/10–2447: Telegram
[417] The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Smith) to the Secretary of State
[418] The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Smith) to the Secretary of State
811.42700 (R)/10–3147: Telegram
[419] The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Smith) to the Secretary of State
861.00/11–147: Airgram
[420] The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the Soviet Union
861.458/11–447: Telegram
[421] The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Smith) to the Secretary of State
[422] Memorandum by Mr. Richard W. Flournoy, Assistant to the Legal Adviser for Special Affairs, to Brigadier General Conrad E. Snow, Assistant to the Legal Adviser for Political Affairs
[423] The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Smith) to the Secretary of State
861.415/11–847: Telegram
[424] The Ambassador in Yugoslavia (Cannon) to the Secretary of State
800.00b Communist International/11–1347: Telegram
[425] Memorandum Prepared in the, Department of State
[426] The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Smith) to the Secretary of State
711.61/11–1547: Telegram
[427] The Chargé in the Soviet Union (Durbrow) to the Secretary of State
800.20261/11–2947: Airgram
[428] The Chargé in the Soviet Union (Durbrow) to the Secretary of State
761.00/12–147: Telegram
[429] The Chargé in the Soviet Union (Durbrow) to the Secretary of State
861.515/12–147: Telegram
[430] The Chargé in the Soviet Union (Durbrow) to the Secretary of State
501.BD Human Rights/12–247: Airgram
[431] The Acting Secretary of State to Certain American Diplomatic Officers
811.20200 (D)/12–847: Circular Airgram
[432] The Chargé in the Soviet Union (Durbrow) to the Secretary of State
711.61/12–847: Airgram
[433] The Acting Secretary of State to the Secretary of State at London
740.00119 Council/12–847: Telegram
[434] Memorandum by Mr. Richard W. Flounoy, Assistant to the Legal Adviser for Special Affairs
[435] The Chargé in the Soviet Union (Durbrow) to the Secretary of State
861.51/12–1247: Telegram