811.20200 (D)/12–847: Circular Airgram
The Acting Secretary of State to Certain American Diplomatic Officers 1
In view current campaign of anti-American propaganda recently referred to by Secretary in his speech Nov 18,2 Dept has reviewed character and scope of U.S. information policy in furtherance of attainment of national objectives.
There follows summary of a statement which constitutes a broad framework within which particular policies on specific issues and directed toward specific areas are to be defined. This statement is not directive but rather set of assumptions which, in Dept’s view, must [Page 631] underlie until further notice, measures taken to counteract current anti-American propaganda campaign.
To report the truth objectively and factually continues to be basic principle of our information policy. However, this policy is to be sharpened by focusing on and when appropriate replying directly to specific anti-U.S. charges with attribution to their origin. In addition to disseminating the truth about aims and policies of U.S. many other truthful facts will be revealed in order to expose and discredit propaganda directed against the U.S.
U.S. information policy should direct its efforts toward
- (1)
- impressing the peoples of the world with reliability, consistency and seriousness of the U.S. and its policies;
- (2)
- convincing the peoples of the world that U.S. motives and policies are in their own best interests and that the U.S. is capable of carrying them out;
- (3)
- exposing extent to which Soviet motives and policies are not in the best interests of free countries. This would include exposure of inconsistencies and insincerity of Soviet policies as well as demonstration of falsity of Soviet Union’s charges against us.
Propaganda patterns of Soviet Union should not be imitated lest foreign peoples believe that U.S. is engaged in competition for world domination with Soviet Union.
We should utilize every means to alleviate the overpowering fear of imminent war.
Material will be used which will sharpen contrast between U.S. policies and way of life and those of Soviet Union and its satellite regimes, in terms of human values. Consequences of systems of government and policies based on other than democratic and peaceful principles will be truthfully exposed.
Direct replies to anti-American charges and criticism of Soviet actions and policies should be used only when they represent the best means of strengthening the foreign policy of U.S. by convincing people of third countries that their vital interests are supported by our policies and actions and menaced by those of the USSR.
The U.S. should not give impression that it is on the defensive or vulnerable to hostile charges but rather that Soviet policy where it conflicts with ours works to the detriment of interests of the foreign country or area involved, while U.S. policy consistently supports principles implicit in the Charter of the United Nations.
Primary emphasis continues to be placed on the positive and forceful presentation of U.S. foreign policy and of the democratic values and way of life of the American people, particularly as these have a direct bearing on the lives, well being and fundamental beliefs of other people.
[Page 632]Within the framework set forth in preceding paragraph U.S. information policy will (a) criticize Soviet policies and anti-American propaganda when these obstruct the attainment of U.S. national objectives particularly in terms of the vital interests of the people of the country concerned; (b) openly take cognizance when desirable of the major themes of anti-American propaganda, impute their dissemination to Soviet Union and communist parties throughout the world, expose falsehoods, correct errors and state the motives for distortion; (c) expose discrepancy between professed Soviet ideals and and actual practice on major issues which illustrate the distinction between the democratic and totalitarian forms of government.
There is to be no personal vilification or abuse of Soviet and Communist leaders.
Dept will forward full text of statement summarized above. Chiefs of Mission are requested to exercise greatest discretion in discussion of statement and to communicate contents only to those officers who need be informed for carrying out their work. Missions are requested to send back continuously to Dept information on events and issues in their area which can be used to support information program as outlined above. Dept will appreciate reactions and comments to full information policy statement.
- This circular airgram was sent to 29 Embassies, 12 Legations, and to the United States Political Advisers at Tokyo and Seoul. It had already been sent as a circular telegram on December 4, 3 a. m., to 24 posts (including Moscow) and to the United States Political Adviser at Berlin.↩
- Secretary Marshall delivered an address on “The Problems of European Revival and German and Austrian Peace Settlements” before the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations and the Chicago Chamber of Commerce, carried also over the networks of the Columbia and Mutual Broadcasting systems, the text of which is printed in the Department of State Bulletin, November 30, 1947, pp. 1024–1028.↩