Editorial Note

The following joint press statement by Herbert V. Evatt, Australian Minister for External Affairs, and Robert Butler, the American Ambassador, was released at Canberra on June 11, 1947:

“Admiral Denfeld, Commander-in-Chief of United States Navy, Army and Air Forces in Pacific area is leaving today for his headquarters at Pearl Harbour after discussions with Australian Government and service authorities on matters of mutual interest in Pacific.

“Purpose of the Admiral’s visit was to ensure continuance of close cooperation between United States and Australian services which existed all through war period and which contributed so much to victory in Pacific.

“There is practical identity of Pacific interest and most excellent relationships existing between United States and Australia. Discussions Admiral Denfeld has had with Prime Minister, Minister External Affairs, Minister Navy and service authorities have covered mutual interests of our two countries in Pacific and it is natural that such discussions should be repeated from time to time. They are natural outcome of close association between two governments which characterized war period and being purely defensive in character are completely in accord with principles and purposes of UN.

“Discussions Admiral has had during last few days in Australia have been entirely successful from all points of view.” (Text transmitted in telegram 185 from Canberra, June 12, 1947; 811.2347/6–1247)

In despatch 241 of June 20, Ambassador Butler reported that in the conversations Dr. Evatt had expressed great disappointment that the United States would not take part in maintenance of the naval base on Manus Island and had stated that Australia and the United States should have a broad regional agreement such as was provided for in the United Nations Charter and such as the United States, already had with Canada and the American Republics. (811.2347/6–2047)