865.5018/6–2747: Telegram

The Ambassador in Italy (Dunn) to the Secretary of State


1744. In conversation with Ronchi, High Commissioner Food reported Embtel 1718 June 26,1 Embassy’s Agricultural Attaché2 [Page 929] stressed importance forthcoming IEFC cereals conference and implied by series of questions regarding Italian rationing policy that before making major changes in rations or food controls Italy should bear in mind purpose of IEFC conference and apparent shortage in world cereal supplies (Reurtel 978, June 243).

At this particular time with new government only 1 week in office since Assembly vote, it would be highly undesirable for US to take responsibility for demanding that government not increase ration. Appropriate place for matter to be acted upon is Paris meeting of IEFC. For US to take action singly now would be a blow to government which expects at least moral support from the US. Pressure for raising ration now is natural result in presence of harvest and it would be extremely damaging to our prestige and support of government for it to take entire responsibility for refusing increase.

Embassy awaits reply to its telegram referred to above before taking further steps.4

  1. Not printed.
  2. Howard R. Cottam.
  3. Not printed; it directed the Embassy to suggest that the Italian Government postpone any increase of the ration until after the meeting of the various food ministers with the International Emergency Food Council scheduled for Paris in July (865.48/6–2347).
  4. In telegraphic instruction 1045, July 1, not printed, the Department approved the course of action proposed by the Embassy (865.5018/6–2747).