865.00/4–1747: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Italy


622. Personal for the Ambassador. Dept deeply concerned by deterioration Ital political and economic conditions which apparently leading to further increase Communist strength and consequent worsening situation of moderate elements (ur 892 Apr 221), with Communists becoming more confident and inclined disregard govt authority (ur 973 Apr 291). Dept would therefore like your estimate at earliest possible date of impact of future course Italy, and particularly implications re October elections, of recent disquieting developments as Communist-Socialist dominance important municipalities (Genoa, Turin, etc); apparent consolidation Communist control of labor (ur A–473 Mar 251); increase in intimidation and threats of violence (ur 696 Apr 11); Communist electoral victory Sicily, etc.

Dept also desires your opinion possibility of De Gasperi relinquishing govt leadership (ur 892 Apr 221) or of attempting form govt without extreme left in hope improving Christian Democrat’s chances in October elections. What importance do you attach possible moves form “technician” govt without parliamentary basis (Milan’s 24 Apr 171).

Finally, Dept wishes your views what pol and eco steps if any this Govt should and could take towards strengthening democratic, pro-US forces, having in mind vital importance Italy in relation US policy in Mediterranean, as well as your estimate possible effectiveness any suggested measures.

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