800.48 FAA/12–2647: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in France
us urgent

4603. During past few days discussions have been held with Fr Emb concerning the terms of the bilateral draft aid agreement, and minor amendments have been made in an effort to meet the Fr views. Bonnet however informs us that his Govt feels that it must insist upon dividing the nature of the undertakings which it is prepared to assume. Those which deal with mutual arrangements between France and US would be embodied in the agreement and the others that are obligations which France is assuming in respect to its own economy would be contained in an exchange of letters. Bonnet explained his Govt attaches greatest importance to this as indicating the latter arrangements have been freely entered into by France and are not being imposed upon it. There would be no question however that France has assumed these undertakings without reservations.

Although most careful consideration has been given to this proposal, the present situation in this country and the specific terms of Sec 5 of the Foreign Aid Bill1 are such that we cannot accept this method of handling these undertakings. It would be interpreted as an attempt to make a distinction between the nature of the conditions which Congress considered were essential to the provision of aid. We could of course agree to some preliminary or explanatory statement of the nature described in urtel 5532 Dec 24 and had suggested to Bonnet that his Govt might write preliminary letter stating that it had noted the passage of the bill and reaffirmed its willingness to take these measures which could be then incorporated in the agreement. This letter [Page 823] could of course be published before actual signature takes place but the agreement must contain all of the conditions which Congress has attached.

Until this question is resolved we cannot proceed further with aid provisions respecting France. Moreover, it is likely that the agreements with Italy and Austria can be signed without delay. You are requested to urge upon Bidault the urgency of reaching settlement of this problem.

  1. 61 Stat. 934.