851.61311/9–1647: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in France
top secret

3496. A leak which is being rigorously investigated is responsible for the appearance in Sept 15 issue Newsweek (published Sept 11) of [Page 750] article by Edward Weintal revealing Dept’s plans outlined Deptel 3304.1 Consequently it now appears inadvisable to base the plan in first instance on statement by US Govt official. It is thought however that you might inspire in French press (perhaps one of Chapman’s2 friends might be helpful in this regard) an editorial or the statement of some prominent Frenchman calculated to be as arresting and newsworthy as possible in order to receive widest initial coverage in French and world press and provide sound basis for exploitation by Dept and field.

While we shall leave final decision as to theme, medium and exact timing to you it is suggested that theme be centered on surprise and/or indignation that French wheat shortage has not already been alleviated by Russian grain with suggestion that USSR is withholding its wheat until it can be used to greatest political advantage in municipal elections as it did in 1946 when it shipped 500,000 tons of grain largely in American bottoms etc. This performance could be contrasted with American shipments which have been constant and as large as possible based solely on purpose to aid France as much as possible. This could be bolstered with appropriate statistics.

While exact timing is left to you we believe no time should be lost. Please cable us date as far in advance as possible and text as soon as it appears. Dept is furnishing you statistical and background data by separate cable.

Newsweek leak will have alerted Moscow. We must bear this in mind if we proceed in this matter. If in all the circumstances you have doubts about advisability of going ahead with this, telegraph us.

  1. Dated September 3, p. 734.
  2. Norris Bowie Chipman, first secretary of Embassy and consul at Paris.