740.0011 EW (Peace)/6–1447: Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Caffery) to the Secretary of State


2349. French National Assembly yesterday ratified Italian Peace Treaty by 500 votes to 0 with approximately 80 abstentions, latter chiefly in Rassemblement des Gauches and PRL. Bidault and MRP speakers defended treaty as best that could be obtained under circumstances and emphasized important part played by France in negotiation. Bidault made many friendly remarks re new Italy and prospectives of close cooperation in future between Italy and France. In reply to question re Fezzan he said there had been no change in French views this territory should be returned to France. PRL criticized treaty as being too harsh, particularly reparations to Soviets and Yugoslavs.

Announcement Rassemblement des Gauches would abstain came as surprise to all, including that party’s members in government. De Moro-Giafferri in explaining his group’s decision criticized chiefly absence of any consultations with Assembly during negotiation of treaty. Communists voted for ratification but without enthusiasm and were extremely sarcastic re abstention of Rassemblement des Gauches in view criticism of Communists by that party for similar Communist abstentions while members of government.

Treaty now goes to Council of Republic which will presumably ratify during coming week.1

Sent Dept as 2349; repeated London 447; Rome 135; Moscow 368.

  1. In telegram 2416, June 18, from Paris, not printed, Ambassador Caffery reported that the Council of the Republic had ratified the treaty (740.0011 EW (Peace)/6–1847).