840.50 Recovery/9–647: Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Caffery) to the Embassy in the United Kingdom

[711.]1 For Douglas from Caffery. As indicated last paragraph my 3451, August 26 to the Department, repeated to London as 675, I believe [Page 412] that program European economic recovery will be greatly strengthened by full participation western Germany. I therefore concur in proposed US–UK statement for bizone as outlined Department’s 3841, to London, repeated Paris as 3336, Berlin as 1809. I suggest that it would be desirable, in order to assure participation all of western Germany, to ask French Government whether it is disposed to issue a collateral statement re French zone. Department’s instructions by telegram requested.2

Re foregoing, Benelux representative Executive Committee told me this morning that he believed participation western Germany would strengthen efforts being made to convince Switzerland and the Scandinavian countries that all countries should participate in customs union study group and that conference report should make adequate provision for a continuing organization. In view of fact that conference report is nearing completion, I believe announcement should be made at earliest possible moment.

Sent to London for Douglas as 711; repeated Department as 3617; USPolAd Berlin as 344, copy held for Clayton.

  1. The text printed here is from telegram 3617 to the Department of State, a repetition of telegram 711 to London.
  2. The Department replied in telegram 3365 of September 7, 1947 that once the British agreed to a joint statement, it was “desirable to notify French and inquire whether they wish to issue parallel statement re French zone.” (840.50 Recovery/9–747)