840.50 Recovery/8–2547: Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Caffery) to the Secretary of State
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3431. I have informed Sir Oliver Franks of the pertinent comments in your 3158, August 24, emphasizing that a realistic and workable program was far more important than meeting a pre-determined deadline for completion of the report. In reply Franks mentioned that he agreed all along the line but as any undue delay might have unfortunate psychological effects on the sixteen countries the reports should be available for publication not later than September 15. He also expressed doubt whether western Europe, under any set of reasonable assumptions, could in fact reach a completely self-supporting status [Page 380] by 1952. A telegram follows of my views on this subject, with special reference to the considerations raised in your 3120, August 20.1

I am to see delegates of several other countries tomorrow on this.2

Repeated London 670; Geneva for Clayton 157.

  1. This was a repetition of telegram 3596 to London, p. 367.
  2. In this connection Ambassador Caffery reported in telegram 3452, August 26, from Paris that “I talked today with several other delegates about the necessity of a realistic and workable program, irrespective of inability to meet deadlines. They agreed. I also referred to the view prevaling in some quarters that the US would have to save Europe financially, irrespective of type of program. I emphasized that American people and Congress would only underwrite a program which made good economic sense.” (840.50 Recovery/8–2647)