840.50 Recovery/6–2647: Telegram

The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Smith) to the Secretary of State

2270. Pravda Ukraine June 11 just received here carries belated but most extensive comment on Secretary’s Harvard address noted in Soviet press in form article by K. Morozov “Marshall Doctrine” highlights:

“American press calculates US expended on assistance to European countries i.e. to European reaction nearly 14 billion dollars with prospect of additional 5 billion this year. More lavish its assistance to its European clientele cruder becomes behavior of USA towards European powers. State Dept like firm governess issues instructions on behavior to European powers administering praise and censure dependent on degree of attention to Washington’s orders. Lately, for example, Secretary gave full approval to Italian reaction’s exclusion from govt of representatives of workers parties.…1

For those powers which don’t wish to barter their independence for American dollars State Dept is not stinting in repressions and threats. Fact that young Hungarian democracy succeeded in warding off attack which reactionary plotters had prepared against it, that it unmasked and neutralized agents of Horthy,2 arouses righteous anger in Washington. State Dept by way of repression cancelled American loan to Hungary and is preparing cancel considerable credit granted Hungary by Exim Bank.3

Sinister results of Truman Doctrine, of American policy of support for anti-popular forces and regimes and of gross interference in affairs of other countries, are felt with greater force each day by peoples of Europe. This doctrine is spread in bloodstains on slopes of Thessalian mountains where Greek Govt troops, equipped by British and Americans [Page 295] obliterate from face of earth insurgent villages; this doctrine has contributed to bitter economic conflicts in France and threatens French finances and whole French economy with confusion. It has called into action black forces of reaction and oppression in Italy and other lands.

But even Truman Doctrine in its present form does not satisfy appetites of American imperialists. Recent speech of Marshall at Harvard University is evidence of even wider plans of American reaction of new stage in Washington’s campaign against forces of world democracy and progress …

If European powers work out general plan for their own salvation and if that plan is approved by America, then America will consent to help Europe by providing supplies and, of course, war materials.

Help will be offered only to such countries as join plan approved, or rather more accurately, dictated by America. Those powers, to whom this plan doesn’t appeal, are threatened by Marshall with displeasure and with every kind of ‘counteractivity’ from Washington.

It is easy to see that Marshall proposes or rather demands quick formation of notorious western bloc but under unconditional and absolute leadership of American imperialism. Spiral of Truman Doctrine begins unroll. From retail purchase of separate European countries Washington has conceived design of wholesale purchase of whole European Continent. American horsemen of capitalist anarchy and ‘free economy’ have disclosed selves as defenders of all European plan—plan for stifling democratic progressive forces and conversion of all Europe into colony of dollar empire …

It is fact dissatisfaction is growing in Congress with policy of squandering billions on financing other countries . . . . limitation by Congress of budgetary expenses by billion dollars was signal for Congressmen to start finding Truman policy too unprofitable ‘business’. This is reason why those in charge American policy have busied selves with such enthusiasm in running up structure of western bloc. They hope Congress will more speedily grant new billions for ‘business’ on European scale than on receipt of promissory notes from separate governments.

Whatever doctrines invented by American imperialists for enslavement of European peoples, their plans will only result in same inglorious failure which marked end of certain attempts create new order in Europe.”

Repeated London 262, Paris 252.

  1. Ellipses throughout this document appear in the source text.
  2. Admiral Miklos Horthy, Regent of Hungary, 1920–1944.
  3. For documentation regarding U.S. relations with Hungary in 1947, see volume iv .