845.00/10–2847: Telegram

The Chargé in Pakistan (Lewis) to the Secretary of State


153. Alleging that GOP has been trying coerce Kashmir join Pakistan by economic strangulation and be [by] sending soldiers in plain clothes and tribesmen from northwest frontier into Kashmir to destroy life and property the Maharaja has appealed to GOI for assistance1 [Page 180] and signed on October 27 instrument of accession2 which was accepted same day by Mountbatten. However, latter stated in letter acceptance that “as soon as law and order have been restored in Kashmir and her soil cleared of the invader the question of the state’s accession should be settled by reference to the people.”3 Meanwhile, Mountbatten added in response Maharaja’s appeal for military aid, troops of Indian army are being sent Kashmir. Maharaja has set up interim govt under Sheikh Abdullah and this accepted by GOI.

These developments have created sensation here and will certainly be taken seriously by GOP.

Developments this point summarized Embassy’s despatch 196 October 27 mailed yesterday.4

  1. For text of a letter dated October 26 from the Maharaja of the State of Jammu and Kashmir, Sir Hari Singh, to the Governor-General of India, Lord Louis Mountbatten, requesting acceptance of an instrument of accession and immediate military assistance, see Government of India, White Paper on Jammu and Kashmir, place and date of publication not indicated, pp. 46–47.
  2. For text of Instrument of Accession signed by Hari Singh on October 26 and for statement by Lord Mountbatten on its acceptance dated October 27, see P. L. Lakhanpai, Essential Documents and Notes on Kashmir Dispute (New Delhi, 1958), pp. 57–58.
  3. For text of Mountbatten’s letter of acceptance dated October 27, see Government of India, White Paper on Jammu and Kashmir, pp. 47–48.
  4. Not printed.