862.60/8–1547: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in France 92

top secret

3076. For the Ambassador for Clayton from Lovett. Regarding French request for reconsideration revised level of industry in event quadripartite unification CFM November (ref Geneva’s NIACT 857 and our 1022 both repeated Paris and London93) you cannot assure French that matter will be reviewed; however the announcement of a [Page 1039] new bizonal level of industry does not necessarily preclude review if circumstances should make such review advisable. Question of whether and how this and other acts of bizonal area, French zone and Soviet Zone will be reviewed will depend upon situation as develops to and at November CFM and upon scope unification agreement, including effective reciprocal undertakings. This statement should be given during talks in London rather than at Paris.

  1. This telegram was repeated to London as 3551 for the Ambassador and to Berlin as 1705 for Murphy and Clay.
  2. Telegram 857, August 15, from Geneva, not printed, reported that the French request referred to here had been made during a meeting of Clayton, Caffery, and Douglas with French Foreign Ministry officials (862.60/8–1547). Telegram 1022, August 17, to Geneva, to Clayton, not printed, stated that an answer to the French request would be forthcoming following consultation with the War Department (862.60/8–1547).