862.6362/7–147: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Political Adviser for Germany (Murphy)
1384. Personal for the Ambassador. It has been decided, Reurtel 1536, June 24,45 to invite Brit Govt to send delegation to Washington soon as possible for purpose discussing German coal problem.
Following telegram to Clay accordingly proposed to War Dept today:
“After lengthy consideration here with coal experts and in view of importance of increased coal production to U.S. plans for European revival, it has been decided that most effective way of coping with [Page 934] coal problem is to invite Brit to meeting in Washington for the purpose of agreeing on the steps that must immediately be taken to bring about increased European output. Invitation has accordingly gone forward to Brit Govt. You will be notified of conference date upon reply from Brit Govt and informed of summary agenda for conference.
While we continue to feel that socialization is an important element in slack Ruhr production, it is clear that it is only one of a number of considerations retarding coal production. We feel that the approach suggested is the best way of bringing these problems into the open and desire the benefit of your participation in the proposed discussions together with such assistants as you may require.
Clayton has already emphasized to Bevin in London the urgent necessity of increased Ruhr output and has told Bevin this is no time for experimentation.”
Repeated to London, personal for the Ambassador, as Dept’s 2841.