740.00119 Council/2–1047: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the United States Deputy for Austria at the Council of Foreign Ministers in London (Clark)


679. Secdel 1291 for Clark. In view of the shortness of time remaining before the Feb. 25 deadline and the present rate of progress, we should appreciate your present estimate of how far along the deputies will be in their consideration of the Austrian treaty by that time. If in your opinion you will have reached the limit of possible agreement by the deputies on all sections of the treaty, leaving only major points of dispute for decision by the CFM at Moscow, no change in the deadline would seem to be required. On the other hand, if you feel that shortness of time will prevent serious consideration of many treaty provisions, particularly in the economic clauses, prior to Feb. 25, it might be desirable to suggest that the deputies continue their work beyond that date and even during the early days of the Moscow meeting. This would seem feasible, since presumably German questions will be taken up first at Moscow.

Have you any suggestions?

We are well aware of the great difficulties you face and of the progress you are making in spite of them. We do not wish to imply by the foregoing that any effort to speed up conclusion of the treaty should be made at the expense of matters of substance which we consider important. It would be better to leave important issues open for decision by the Foreign Ministers or even to postpone a treaty than to accept one which will not assure Austria her basic independence and sovereignty and a good chance of economic survival.
