740.00119 Council/12–247: Telegram

The United States Delegation at the Council of Foreign Ministers to President Truman, the Acting Secretary of State, and Others


6286. Delsec 1515. For the President, Vandenberg, Connally, Eaton, Bloom and Lovett. Seventh CFM meeting, December 2, Marshall presiding, discussed additional unagreed proposals on the procedure to be used in preparing the German peace treaty. The ministers were unable to agree on the composition of the four permanent committees to be created by the CFM to study questions relating to the German peace treaty. Bevin stated that the allied states which played a vital part in the war had the right to participate in the committee work along with representatives of the four CFM members. He objected to a French proposal, accepted by Molotov, to invite only those allied states concerned in the problems under consideration to participate in the study and discussion of these problems by the committees. [Page 743] Marshall insisted on maintaining the right of other allied states to participate in the committee work. He cited Canada’s major contribution to the war as an example of a state which should participate by right, not by invitation.96

The Council did agree that the work of the committees will be directed by the deputies. The committees will submit reports reflecting any divergencies of view and including proposals presented by the allied states which have participated in the discussion. Each committee will appoint sub-committees when necessary.

However, no agreement was reached on the composition of the subcommittees for the same reasons as prevented agreement on the membership of the full committees and the question was referred to the deputies at the suggestion of Molotov.97

The Council agreed to form an information and consultation conference of allied states which will keep all allied states informed of the Council’s work on the treaty, as well as organize the work of consulting these allied states on questions concerning the German peace treaty.98 Marshall asked that all states at war with Germany and allied states which are neighbors of Germany be included in the information and consultation conference. The British and French asked that the other allied states be divided into two groups—those which will be consulted and informed because of their greater contribution to the war, and those which will only be informed of the CFM work on the peace treaty. Molotov wanted to limit membership in this conference to those states neighbors of Germany and other allied states which participated with their armed forces in the war against Germany. He said the US proposal would allow 55 states to come into the conference rather than the 25 states (including Albania) eligible under his plan. In rejecting flatly the US proposal, Molotov indirectly disparaged the war contribution of the Latin American states. Marshall replied that many of these states provided ports and airfields which facilitated the shipment of supplies to the USSR during the war and that this contribution cannot be overlooked nor can they be denied a part in the peace making

Bevin asked Marshall and Molotov to accept the British-French compromise proposal. Molotov replied by offering a revised Soviet proposal and Marshall said he would comment further on this question tomorrow.

[Page 744]

Marshall brought up Molotov’s refusal to agree to include China as a member of the CFM when the Council convenes the conference to discuss the German draft treaty. The three other ministers have accepted China but Molotov maintained his objection.

The Council reached agreement on voting rules for the peace conference which were discussed yesterday (see Secdel 151499) after Bevin and Molotov announced their acceptance of the US proposal.

The Council decided to continue the discussion on procedure tomorrow and then take up the report of the deputies for Austria.

Repeated to Moscow, Paris, Berlin, Vienna, Rome.

  1. Under consideration by the Council was CFM(M) (47)125 (and CFM(D) (L) (47) (G) 78 rev.), Part II, paragraph 3, p. 456.
  2. The Council was discussing Part II, Paragraphs 4, 5, and 6 of CFM(M) (47) 125.
  3. The Council had taken up Part II, paragraph 7.
  4. Supra. Agreement was reached on Part I, paragraph 5.