760F.6315/3–2847: Telegram

The Chargé in Czechoslovakia (Bruins) to the Secretary of State 2


282. Official of Czechoslovak Foreign Ministry states that Czechoslovak-Austrian negotiations concerning frontier rectification have thus far made no definite progress. Preliminary conversations indicate it may be possible to reach agreement on most of proposed frontier changes. However, Austrians have so far been adamant on ceding territory opposite Bratislava and it is precisely this territory to which Czechs attach most importance.3 Austrians naturally wish to avoid impression they are being treated as a conquered country and Czechs intend to respect this desire. Czechs are still hopeful that bilateral negotiations between the two countries will be brought to a successful conclusion but if this is not possible they will once more bring the question before the Council of Foreign Ministers.

Sent Department as 282; repeated to Vienna as 15.

  1. This message was repeated to the United States Delegation at the Council of Foreign Ministers as telegram 750, Secdel 1405, April 1, 1947, to Moscow.
  2. In telegram 360, April 11, 1947, from Praha, not printed, Ambassador Steinhardt reported on a conversation with Czechoslovak Acting Foreign Minister Vladimir Clementis in part as follows:

    “As to the desire expressed by Czechoslovakian Government for minor frontier rectification by an exchange of territory with Austria, Clementis said the Big Four powers had replied in the affirmative to an inquiry as to whether the Allied Control Commission would approve agreement if arrived at by Czechoslovakian and Austrian Governments, but he had been informed confidentially that General Clark advised Austrian Government not to enter into agreement proposed by Czechoslovakian Government and to which Austrian Government giving serious consideration.” (760C.60F/4–1147)