838.01/1–1346: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Haiti (Wilson)
82. Since consensus of views on Haitian recognition in response to Depcirtel Mar 26 8 pm is favorable,15 you should on Apr 8 advise [Page 912] FonOff of this Govts receipt of communication addressed to President by Military Executive Committee on Jan 14,16 as well as similar communication of Jan 15 addressed to Secretary by FonMin,16 both of which stated that Committee wished to maintain with this Govt the traditionally friendly relations between Haitian and American peoples. In response to these messages you should state this Govt desires to resume the amicable official relations which before Jan 11 prevailed between Haiti and the United States. At same time you should advise FonOff Dept is replying in same sense to note from Haitian Emb of Jan 13 requesting recognition.17
- A circular telegram of April 2, 2 p.m. announced to 20 missions the Department’s plans to recognize the Military Executive Committee on April 8; a marginal handwritten notation initialled by Acting Secretary Acheson on the original telegram reads: “Approved by the President. DA.” It was reported that two Republics (Uruguay and Mexico) involved in original consultation on Haitian recognition had extended recognition to the Committee; 14 others including this Government were favorable to recognition; no reply had been received from Guatemala to the circular telegram of March 26; and only the Venezuelan reply was unfavorable (838.01/4–246).↩
- Not printed.↩
- Not printed.↩
- Not printed. A memorandum by the Department of State to the Haitian Embassy, April 8, 1946, stated: “The Embassy is hereby informed of this Government’s desire to resume today the friendly official relations which have traditionally prevailed between the United States and Haiti.” (838.01/4–846)↩