838.01/3–2646: Circular telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to Diplomatic Representatives in the American Republics

Depcirtel Mar 1. Uruguay recently extended recognition to provisional regime in Haiti thus presenting occasion for reassessment our position and evaluation recent additional information. In face reluctance certain Govts to recognize wholly military regime Dept considers it significant that Haitian triumvirate did not attain office by coup d’état, but stepped into vacuum left by resignation Lescot under pressure popular discontent. Junta attempted deliver executive [Page 911] power to Supreme Court which was unwilling to accept. Equally, junta attempted include civilians in cabinet, but was unsuccessful due existence plethora individualistic political parties each demanding cabinet post and unwilling concede such representation to its competitors. Junta has convoked elections for May 12 for legislature which will meet and organize soon as possible thereafter, prepare new constitution (it is hoped within 30 days), and then elect President to whom junta will deliver executive powers. Junta decree provides that no military man on active service can be candidate for legislative election unless he resigns within 15 days of date of decree (Feb. 12). So far as is known, no officer resigned in accordance with this decree. Members of Committee have also declared repeatedly they do not intend to be candidates for any position including presidency. Foregoing information confirms reports of lack of political ambition on part of junta or army and of their sincere desire to establish civilian regime soonest possible.

In view foregoing and since junta controls machinery of Govt and is maintaining order, appears to enjoy popular support and has promised to fulfill its international commitments, please consult FonMin once more regarding recognition, informing him that your Govt favors such action at early date and that Costa Rica and Bolivia should now be added to the list of countries favoring such action. If he indicates his Govt favors recognition, his view on date for this action is solicited.

For your confidential information only, please attempt have reply reach Dept within a week so that if consensus favorable early date can be set for recognition.

Repeated to Haiti, Dominican Republic, Uruguay, and Argentina for information only.
