
The Ambassador in Haiti (Wilson) to the Secretary of State

No. 1302

Sir: I have the honor to report for the information of the Department that conversations which I have had with prominent members of the American colony in Haiti indicate that many Haitians have been looking eagerly towards the United States as the great power which through its recognition of the Military Executive Committee would strengthen the moral authority of the Committee and thus assist their country to emerge from the present abnormal situation brought about by the fall of Lescot. Recognition by other American Republics would mean in comparison little or nothing. As, however, [Page 909] this recognition has not been forthcoming, the attitude of these persons has changed to disillusionment and the prestige of the United States has consequently suffered.

I have endeavored to point out to my informants that the United States is following scrupulously its policy of cooperating with the other American Republics by means of consultation and that this will obviously take some time, as many of these republics have an inherent distrust of military rule. This, however, does not seem to convince them, as they advocate prompt recognition. It is, of course, difficult for persons residing in Haiti who feel the need of a strong executive who would bring the country back to a more normal status, to realize that consultation may be a protracted procedure. Many appear to consider that the United States is failing to further the cause of order and tranquility by pursuing a course of action which to them is distant and unreal.

Respectfully yours,

Orme Wilson