824.504/3–1846: Alrgram

The Chargé in Bolivia ( Adam ) to the Secretary of State


A–99. The San José tin mine near Oruro, operated by the Cia. Minero de Oruro, has been endeavoring for the past several months to obtain permission to dismiss 400 workers not required in its operation. It was originally planned that these workers would be employed by the neighboring Santa Fe mine, but this was not done due to a supposed lack of housing facilities. The Inspector General of Labor has inspected the mine and has found that these workers are not necessary. It is reported that the Minister of Labor69 has on two occasions authorized the dismissal of these employees, but has withdrawn [Page 381] such authorization before it became effective. It is also reported that at a conference on March 15, Juan Lechín, a laibor leader, stated that regardless of the law, these men had to be retained and that if they were not, the workers would take steps to destroy or damage the mine. Ray Beard, General Manager of Mines of Hochschild S.A.M.I., has requested permission from the directors to close down the entire operation in the event that permission is not given for the dismissal of these workers. He left for Oruro on March 15 to take the necessary steps for a shut-down in the event that such action is authorized.

  1. German Monroy Block.