800.48/5–2246: Circular telegram

The Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic and Consular Officers in the American Republics25


At President Truman’s request former President Hoover is making a quick tour of Latin America to discuss the various problems of mutual concern facing us in the world-wide famine. Purpose is to discuss ways and means of closer collaboration among the American nations to achieve the greatest possible export of wheat, wheat flour, fats, and other essential foods to areas of most urgent need in order to fulfill our common responsibility to alleviate suffering and starvation. Mission consists of Hoover, Ex-Ambassador Hugh Gibson, Ex-Commerce Julius Klein, D. A. FitzGerald of Agri, Press Attaché Frank Mason, Maurice Pate of International Red Cross, Capt Westmoreland Military Aide, Capt Rey Medical Aide, and Hugo Meier, Secretary. … At each point where length of stop permits Mr. Hoover will wish to confer promptly with Embassy officials concerning [Page 137] statistics and other pertinent data you may be able to gather from official and other authoritative sources including monthly imports and exports since last July 1 of wheat, wheat flour, corn, other coarse grains, rice, fats and oils, indicating source of imports and destination of exports, also stocks on hand and domestic production. Where possible please secure best estimate on monthly exports and imports to October 1. …

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  1. Sent to the Embassies at Bogotá, Buenos Aires, Caracas, Habana, Lima, Mexico, Montevideo, Panamá, Quito, Rio de Janeiro, and Santiago, and to the Consulates at Pará, and Port-of-Spain.
  2. Omitted portions concern travel facilities and schedules.