The Brazilian Embassy to the Department of State
This Embassy was informed that the Department of Agriculture will allocate to Brazil, during May and June, only 130.000 bags or approximately 8.000 metric tons of wheat flour. Our minimum requirements amount to 30.000 metric tons from May 15 to June 30. We did not receive any substantial quantity of wheat from Argentina and the situation in Brazil is at present critical as far as wheat and wheat flour supplies are concerned.
2. This Embassy was also informed that that quantity of 130.000 bags would be allocated to the Northern part of Brazil. It would meet our needs much more satisfactorily if it were put at the disposal of the “Comissão Nacional do Trigo” in Rio de Janeiro, which will distribute it according to the present and real situation in the country.24
- In telegram 727, May 31, 1946, the Chargé was advised that wheat shipments to Southern Brazil were discontinued in expectation that Argentina would fill the need (832.61311/5–2446).↩